Spur of the Moment Travel

Ctrip, China's top travel service company, amped up its marketing game by appointing rockstar Shin as their Chief Travel Planning Officer and brand ambassador. We teamed up with rockstar Shin to embody Ctrip's "Spur of the Moment Travel" concept. Our communication concept, 随“信”所欲,说走就走, cleverly plays on the Chinese phrase "随心所欲" (follow one's bent) and follows Shin on an impromptu trip to Thailand. Our campaign captures Shin's free-spirited travel style and adventurous encounters, highlighting Ctrip's promise of spontaneous and authentic travel experiences. With "Follow Shin" as our rallying cry, we invite travelers to unleash their wanderlust and join us on unforgettable journeys anytime, anywhere. The campaign effectively conveyed the brand's proposition, resulting in substantial growth for Ctrip's southeast Asian travel season.